It will make you laugh and cry and just feel love for Lindsey. I recommend you go and visit it and read her story from the beginning. What an amazing attitude this young girl had! Her family created a blog for her about a year ago, to tell her story and I have been following it for the past nine months.
Of course her family was heartbroken, but you know what her response to them was? She said "Hey, I'm not dead yet. Last February, Lindsey and her husband Josh received the devastating news that there was nothing more they could do for her. To make a long story short, over the past 13 or so years she has had 3 or four more brain surgeries due to tumors coming back. The team as devistated, but Lindsey remained close to all of us and instead came and helped us with our equipment at our competitions. the doctors didn't like the idea of her throwing flags and rifles above her head (crazy, I know!). Unfortunatly for me, this meant that she could no longer be on team. A few months after she made the team she learned that she had a brain tumor and they performed brain surgery to remove it. You couldn't help but love her, she was so kind and just darling.
Finally, the specific amounts required of each item(33, 136, 0(1 in this case), 6, and 29) are a reference to the base stats of the famous glitch Pokémon, MissingNo., as they were in Red/Blue Version.I met Lindsey about 13 years ago when she tried out for color guard.
Even the weapon's base damage of 256 is meant to reference 256-integer limits, common in programs using bytes to track numbers- bytes can only represent 256 different values. The crafting recipe requiring arbitrary, strange items is meant to seem glitchy. The explosion of red Xes is a reference to the explosions of Xes that occur in Source engine games when a particle emitter is broken. Kleiner in Half-Life 2, and plays in most Source Engine games whenever a sound related error occurs. The "Oh, fiddlesticks! What now?" line comes from Dr. Like %weaponname%, this item's projectiles reference missing models in Source Engine games however, their blue color matches Portal 2 rather than most other Source games, which use red "ERROR" models as %weaponname% does. Similarly to %weaponname%, this item's tooltip references the Kitchen Crate Holster's updated description in Hitman HD Trilogy, which referenced the crate's original description by asking 'Any details yet, Allan?'. The weapon contains a multitude of references to famous glitch and placeholder content in other games:.